Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, Character Education, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Multicultural, Music, Theater
Developed for Arts Partners’ academic program year 2016-2017, ARISE, Inc. (African Americans Renewing Interest in Spirituals Ensemble, Inc.) will bring to life the stories and legacies of African American artists and historians from the 1860s to the 1970s....
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Health, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program
Students learn about Mexico’s rich history and culture while dancing steps from La Negra, a Folklorico tradition from Jalisco. Folklorico footwork promotes physical fitness, coordination and cardio ability. Students will try out a special dance floor designed to...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Health, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program
Romany, Arabic, Jewish and Spanish peoples all collaborated to create this vibrant art form, making it a truly multicultural experience in history and social studies. In 2010, UNESCO declared Flamenco one of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Health, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program, Virtual Programs
Students learn multiculturalism and tolerance, using this joyful ethnic dance as a bridge between the cultures of America and the Middle East. Nubia crosses Lower Egypt and Sudan. Nubian folk dance helped Egyptians find their roots in the 60’s and 70’s....
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Health, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program
Debke crosses political, religious and ethnic borders, making it a truly multicultural experience in history and social studies. It is danced at weddings and parties in Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Students take turns line dancing and playing...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Math, Music, Program, Science, Storytelling
A musical tale that explores the fears of a young bird. Students will experience the journey of flight through storytelling, movement, song and instrument playing. We will discover the continent of Africa and the countryside of Sierra Leone as we integrate social...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Music, Program, Virtual Programs
Erin Mae takes students on a journey through early American history using song, story, and the mountain dulcimer. She teaches about the Appalachian origins of the instrument, along with history of American folk music and people. During this residency, students will...
Feb 27, 2019 | Math, Music, Program, Virtual Programs
Erin Mae will bring mountain dulcimers for the students to play and teach them the basics of making music on this simple folk instrument. Students will use the 3 strings and 14 frets of the dulcimer, as well as the beats and rhythms of music, to multiply and divide by...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Music, Program, Virtual Programs
Erin Mae takes students on a journey through early American history using song, story, and the mountain dulcimer. She teaches about the Appalachian origins of the mountain dulcimer, the history of American folk music and mountain culture, and engages students in...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Math, Music, Program
Students will learn the vocabulary of American Square Dance, participate in an interactive song as they move with their peers. This workshop would also serve as a good mixer at a PTO meeting or family mixer/social. SECD: Self Management, Social Awareness
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Math, Music, Program, Science
Students will experience a cross-curricular lesson on the life of a tree integrating music and movement.
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Program, Science, STEM, Visual / Design Arts
Participants will learn about weather, and how it affects pilots, analyzing weather patterns with various flight paths and airport availability. Program can be offered at the museum or at the school, and can be tailored to your grade level.
Feb 27, 2019 | Customized to Curriculum, Dance / Movement, Emergent Literacy, Language Arts, Multicultural, Music, Physical Education, Program, Storytelling, Theater
The Mini Residency is a unique learning opportunity for teachers and their 3- to 6-year-old students that demonstrates how the performing arts can be used to teach curriculum topics, emergent literacy skills and developmental domains. The early childhood educator...
Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, Customized to Curriculum, Dance / Movement, Emergent Literacy, Multicultural, Music, Physical Education, Program, Storytelling, Theater
Family Involvement Workshops are interactive sessions providing children and their parents/caregivers an opportunity to share a stimulating live arts experience. Led by a Kansas Wolf Trap Teaching Artist, the workshop gives parents a glimpse into what children learn...
Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, Character Education, Dance / Movement, Emergent Literacy, Multicultural, Music, Physical Education, Program, Storytelling, Theater
Center-Based Workshops are interactive sessions providing children and their early childhood educator an opportunity to share a stimulating live arts experience. Led by a Kansas Wolf Trap Teaching Artist, the workshop gives the early childhood educator a glimpse into...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, Music, Program, Science, Theater
Mr. Brewster's Invigorating Invention is about the history and science of the kaleidoscope. This 35 minute opera in English has a STEAM theme (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and is appropriate for individual classroom presentations in the...
Feb 27, 2019 | Customized to Curriculum, Program, Visual / Design Arts
Students will enjoy a 45 minute long step-by-step drawing. Instructors will go over the “rules” of drawing to create a safe, non-competitive environment where all students can feel comfortable asking for help and creating a unique piece of art. Many times...
Feb 27, 2019 | Character Education, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Multicultural, Music
This presentation begins with Harriet Tubman appearing, announcing her return through the annals of time to speak to today’s generations. After her speech, she introduces ARISE who enter singing one of the songs from the Underground Railroad (UGRR). Swing Low...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Music, Program, Virtual Programs
Erin Mae takes students on a journey through early American history using song, story, and the mountain dulcimer. She teaches about the Appalachian origins of the instrument, along with history of American folk music and people. Students will be engaged with...
Feb 27, 2019 | Customized to Curriculum, Dance / Movement, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Program, Virtual Programs
Safira brings the wonders of world dance alive!
Feb 27, 2019 | Character Education, Customized to Curriculum, Emergent Literacy, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Language Arts, Math, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program, SECD, Virtual Programs
Call the Arts Partners office for details. (316) 262-4771
Feb 27, 2019 | Character Education, Customized to Curriculum, Emergent Literacy, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Language Arts, Math, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program, Virtual Programs
The power of the arts can transform any classroom from a Math class or a Language Arts class to anything in-between. Arts integration is an approach to teaching and learning through which content standards are taught and assessed equitably in and through the arts. As...
Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, Character Education, Customized to Curriculum, Music, Program, Storytelling, Theater
Affirmation, intervention, restorative questions and more. This workshop is pertinent to all K-12 educators.
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Physical Education, Program, Science, STEM, Virtual Programs
Students learn the forces of nature by using movement to depict words with opposite meanings. Push and pull. Up and down. Fast and slow.
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Language Arts, Multicultural, Music, Program, Storytelling, Theater
In this uplifting program by the A.R.I.S.E. Ensemble, students will experience a brief performance by the ensemble, followed by coaching with members of the ensemble to enable students’ participation in 2-3 selections of choral music to close the program.
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Program, Science, STEM, Virtual Programs
Children will learn the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They will tell and retell the story as is age appropriate. Led by professional teaching artist Joyce Gedraitis, children will be able to use movement to demonstrate their understanding of the life cycle of...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Language Arts, Math, Program, STEM, Storytelling
Using storytelling, music and movement, students will work through a variety of math concepts (based on grade level), including cardinality, conservation, counting, organizing and sorting data, place value, subitizing, addition, subtraction, ordering and...
Feb 27, 2019 | Character Education, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Language Arts, Multicultural, Music, Program, SECD, Storytelling, Virtual Programs
Singing for Our Lives: Songs that Changed a Nation is an Arts Partners program developed in 2015 with funding from the Ulrich Museum of Art. Another rousing performance by Aaron Fowler, Singing for Our Lives: Songs that Changed a Nation is a performance that features...
Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Language Arts, Multicultural, Music, Program, SECD, Storytelling, Virtual Programs
A Choice of Weapons: A Lyrical Connection is an Arts Partners program developed in 2015 with funding from the Ulrich Museum of Art. Students will read one of Gordon Park’s books (A CHOICE OF WEAPONS or THE LEARNING TREE) prior to the residency. Students will...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Math, Program, STEM, Visual / Design Arts
Students will learn how math and art work together, and how the museum building is an example of that influence. Program can be offered at the museum or at the school, and can be tailored to your grade level.
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Kansas History, Literary Arts, Program, Science, STEM, Visual / Design Arts
Participants will learn about the world of hot air balloons, gliders, parachutes, and kites while learning the principles that allows air to help them fly. Emphasis will be placed on the four forces of flight: lift, drag, thrust, and gravity. This is a good...
Feb 27, 2019 | Customized to Curriculum, Math, Media / Technology, Program, Science, STEM, Technology, Visual / Design Arts
STEM and art go together.
Feb 27, 2019 | Media / Technology, Music, Program, Science, STEM, Storytelling, Technology, Virtual Programs
Using the popular iPad app Garage Band, Aaron Fowler will teach students how to use this technology to compose and share their original songs. The residency will include STEM practices and concepts in science and technology. The school must provide iPads and the app,...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Music, Program, Theater, Visual / Design Arts
FRIENDS UNIVERSITY FINE ARTS Music • Theatre & Dance • Visual Arts • Communications Friends University Fine Arts has a wide variety of workshops, performances and special events open to schools to benefit students. These include school-only theatre matinees,...
Feb 27, 2019 | History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Music, Program
Go on a musical journey to the Far East as we discover fascinating musical instruments from various cultures of Asia. From the South on the island of Java with the unique bamboo instrument, the Angklung, all the way North to the Tuvan region of Russia where people can...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, History / Social Studies, Language Arts, Multicultural, Music, Program, Virtual Programs
An introduction to the history of African American music beginning with spirituals. The artist will demonstrate how the roots of the slave songs of the 1700’s influenced the music of the 21st century. Participants will hear samples of a work song, spiritual, blues...
Feb 27, 2019 | Language Arts, Music, Program, Theater
The coolest ever rock-n-roll romp in a bug's world, capturing all the droll humor and whimsy of the wildly popular books! Insects rule in the diaries of unlikely best friends: Worm, Spider and Fly. Worm eats his homework, Fly believes she has superpowers, and...
Feb 27, 2019 | Character Education, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Music
With a leader who calls, ARISE will enter singing Over My Head, one of the traditional Spirituals for which we do not know the author. Another member will follow up with sharing the meaning of the Spiritual and how so many spontaneous Spirituals sprang up during...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Math, Music, Program, Science, STEM, Storytelling
Students will experience the journey of flight through storytelling, movement, song and instrument playing. this program invites us to explore the dreams of airplane inventors, heroes and songwriters. Students will explore the questions: If we could fly, where would...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Music, Program, Science, STEM, Technology
Imagine a movie without music and sound effects, or dancing without music. Enter the duo of Pamela Lamont and Trevor Stewart. Working with the principles of choreography, students will use movement skills to learn and communicate information about the structure and...
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, Math, Multicultural, Physical Education, Program, STEM
Division, multiplication, fractions, patterns, sequencing, shapes, lines, form! These are the concepts your students will comprehend after learning the traditional celebratory Middle Eastern line dance called a debke. During the last two workshops, students work in...
Feb 27, 2019 | Emergent Literacy, Physical Education, Program, Science, STEM, Storytelling
Using storytelling, music and movement, students will explore the natural world, living things and the metamorphic process in this engaging interactive residency about insects led by professional storyteller and dancer Twyla Smith! Students will: Examine parts of...
Feb 27, 2019 | Emergent Literacy, Physical Education, Program, Science, STEM, Storytelling
Using storytelling, music and movement, students will explore the natural world and the metamorphic process in this engaging interactive residency about rocks, led by professional storyteller and dancer Twyla Smith! Students will: Identify properties of objects...
Feb 27, 2019 | Careers / Life Skills, Character Education, Music, Program, Storytelling
Nova Deco presents three stories and explores the connection between music and story. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Simms Taback's Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, and Munro Leaf's Ferdinand are accompanied with music performed by the violin...
Feb 27, 2019 | Program, Science, Visual / Design Arts
Feb 27, 2019 | Music, Program, Science, STEM, Technology
During this hands-on workshop, students will learn about one of the oldest, yet currently used technologies. Constructed of — and embellished with — various woods, many of these instruments sell today for millions of dollars. The violin! First seen in...
Feb 27, 2019 | Music, Program, Science, SECD, STEM, Technology, Virtual Programs
Frequency, pitch (mosquito frequency) Decibels, volume (protect your ears) Timbre, tone (how you know it’s your mama calling your name) Noise vs. music (turn down that noise!) The science of sound is all around us. Learning to connect the common language of...
Feb 27, 2019 | Language Arts, Music, Program, Science, SECD, STEM, Virtual Programs
Music opens the door to understanding qualitative data! This book-based residency for children uses emergent literacy concepts to introduce students to the earliest concepts of the science of sound.
Feb 27, 2019 | Language Arts, Music, Program, SECD, STEM, Virtual Programs
Music opens the door to understanding qualitative data! This book-based residency for children uses emergent literacy concepts to introduce students to the earliest concepts of the science of sound.
Feb 27, 2019 | Dance / Movement, History / Social Studies, Multicultural, Music, Physical Education, Program, Virtual Programs
In this performance celebrating Cinco de Mayo, professional teaching artists Joyce Gedraitis and Trevor Stewart perform La Raspa, Cielito Lindo, La Bamba, and Caribbean Cha-Cha. Students will experience live music and festive dancing to learn about the holiday and its...
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