
This is a full length verse translation/adaptation of Dante’s first book of his Divine Comedy – Inferno.   Confronted by his fears and sins, in the figures of three wild beasts, Dante cannot make it up the mountain to the light (Heaven).  As he flees down the mountain he is met by the shade of the Roman poet Virgil who tells him the only way to Heaven is to journey through Hell and then Purgatory. In this multi-media piece of performance art, we follow Dante and Virgil through the nine circles of Hell as they encounter various sinners who are being punished by various demons and other ingenious forms of torture. Before they make it out of Hell they must confront Satan.  The performance will include dance, projections, puppets, lighting effects, music, and more.

For reservations and information please contact Mark Mannette, the Director of Theatre at Newman University, at (316) 942-4291 ext. 2486 or via email: mannettem@newmanu.edu.

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Program Details

Drama | Shakespeare

Appropriate for ages: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Max Audience:
Costs: $5 students
March 6, 2020, at 10 am
Field Trip


Newman University

3100 McCormick

Wichita KS 67213

Phone: (316) 942-4291

Fax: (316) 942-4483

Website: www.newmanu.edu

The Steckline Gallery is located inside the De Mattias Fine Arts Center. The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm or by appointment. Admission is free. For more information, call (316) 942-4291 ext. 2199.

The School of Arts and Humanities –

Shannon Johnston, Director of the Steckline Gallery

Deanne Zogleman, Director of Choral Music, (316) 942-4291 ext. 2196

Dr. Bryan Dietrich, Division Chair of Arts and Letters, (316) 942-4291 ext. 2226

Mark Mannette, Director of Theatre, (316) 942-4291 ext. 2486 or via email: mannettem@newmanu.edu.

Arts Partners | 903 S Edgemoor, Suite 907 Wichita, KS 67218

Site by RSM Marketing.

This Organization received funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita 


Board of directors

Tim Rogers

Lai-L Daugherty

Teresa Seymour

Adam Payton

Lavonta Williams

Chris Wendt