Artist Info

Roy Moye III

Roy Moye III is the perfect speaker for your class. Roy earned his bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at Wichita State University and has worked in the Aerospace Industry as a structural design engineer for over 4 years. He has spoken on the topic of STEM in many different settings, from non-profits, to high schools, even vacation bible school camps. In the fall of 2018, Roy was invited to give three separate talks on STEM at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. He spoke about the need for diversity in STEM, encouraged students to stay in STEM majors, and shared insight on how to succeed in a STEM career. Roy is passionate about encouraging students to pursue a STEM journey and is more than willing to share how his own STEM journey came to be. Roy is a speaker that will educate, inform, entertain and inspire.

Programs Offered

Arts Partners | 903 S Edgemoor, Suite 907 Wichita, KS 67218

Site by RSM Marketing.

This Organization received funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita 


Board of directors

Jan-Maeve Saggerson

Tim Rogers

Lai-L Daugherty

Teresa Seymour

Rodney Horton

Chris Wendt