Guided tour

Guided tours include time in the activity center and classroom as well as a tour of the building. Middle school and high school also welcome to schedule an unguided tour.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Program Details

Avionics | Science

Appropriate for ages: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

Max Audience: Up to 60 students
Costs: Tour groups (guided and unguided)-$6 per student, accompanying staff is free.
Field Trip


Arts Partners | 903 S Edgemoor, Suite 907 Wichita, KS 67218

Site by RSM Marketing.

This Organization received funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita 


Board of directors

Tim Rogers

Lai-L Daugherty

Teresa Seymour

Adam Payton

Lavonta Williams

Chris Wendt