
Baby ArtsPlay!™

Ages 12 – 36 Months

  • Designed to support the very young child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and motor development through quality arts interactions with adults
  • Interdisciplinary performing arts: music with drama and movement
  • Multisensory—emphasizing songs and activities
  • Integrated with simple American Sign Language
  • Book-centered—fostering language/literacy development
  • Taught by senior-level Wolf Trap Teaching Artists

Baby ArtsPlay™ Class objectives

For Children:

  • Promote vocalization and motor skills
  • Increase awareness of and responsiveness to movement and sound
  • Encourage vocabulary growth
  • Develop socialization skills
  • Gain recognition of new aspects in the environment
  • Stimulate innate sense of discovery

For Parents:

  • Develop the skill of steady beat in their children through aural, oral, and motor activities
  • Learn, model, and select quality and developmentally appropriate songs to sing and movement activities to perform with their children
  • Approach sharing and reading books with their children in multiple expressive ways that encourage the desire to learn
  • Develop confidence in using their singing and speaking voice
  • Learn to sing in a healthy way that is pleasing and comforting to young children and good for the children to listen to and begin to model
  • Develop a love of singing with their children

Baby Artsplay classes will have young children and parents/caregivers experiencing the arts together as they:

    • Learn and sing children’s songs
    • Play rhythm and melodic instruments that are developmentally appropriate for young children
    • Engage in chants and songs/games that develop fine and gross movement skills
    • Bring stories to life through vocal character development and “Coffee Can Theater” techniques of using props with storytelling and other tactile experiences
    • Learn to recognize early learning skills in arts activities and experiences with children
    • Participate in small group activities
    • Engage in Q&A about the benefits of the arts and early childhood learning with the Wolf Trap Teaching Artist/Instructor
    • Interact socially after class at the Parent/Caregiver waiting room with complimentary beverages provided

Arts Partners | 903 S Edgemoor, Suite 907 Wichita, KS 67218

Site by RSM Marketing.

This Organization received funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita 


Board of directors

Tim Rogers

Lai-L Daugherty

Teresa Seymour

Adam Payton

Lavonta Williams

Chris Wendt