Artist Info

Ramon “Robert” Fonseca

Ramon (Robert) Fonseca has been a poet since the age of 8, and over the years of being immersed in liberal arts, he’s racked up some notable achievements. He has been published multiple times in Teen Ink for his Haiku and free verse poetry, and in Eber & Wein poetry anthologies. His senior year of high school he was the head poetry editor for his school’s creative writing magazine. Freshman year of college Robert developed a synthetic language in the linguistics program, which was chosen to be presented to the Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences at WSU.In more recent years Robert has attended WSU working on a bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in Linguistics, and is now working at The Loud Cicada, a local art boutique/Studio teaching a weekly poetry workshop focusing on different topics each week to provide a space for local poets and artists to hone in their art, add new skills to their literary tool-belts, and curate community.

Programs Offered

    Arts Partners | 903 S Edgemoor, Suite 907 Wichita, KS 67218

    Site by RSM Marketing.

    This Organization received funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita 


    Board of directors

    Tim Rogers

    Lai-L Daugherty

    Teresa Seymour

    Adam Payton

    Lavonta Williams

    Chris Wendt